Patients & Families

Hospice_of_Spokane-680Hospice of Spokane hopes to be a great resource to you as you navigate this very poignant time in you and your loved one’s lives. Dealing with terminal illness and the emotions and physical burdens of this time can be overwhelming. Our hope is that we are providing the education, support and high-quality care that you need to feel confident at this time in your life. We want you to know you are not alone.

Who should seek hospice care?
A patient is eligible for hospice if they have a prognosis of six months or less. The focus of care is on comfort and supporting quality of life when treatments aimed at cure or extending life are no longer desirable. Hospice care can be extended beyond six months as long as a physician determines it is still appropriate. Hospice of Spokane care for people of all ages and all diagnoses, and provide support to their family during and after hospice care.

Anyone can refer a client to Hospice of Spokane, and should do so as soon as the prognosis warrants. An early referral provides a terminally-ill person and their family time to receive the full benefit of hospice care.